Friday, September 28, 2012

Sick & Ready

I'm sick of fat pants.
I'm sick of having to buy maternity pants when I'm not pregnant.
I'm sick of eating the same amount of food as my 6 foot, 300 lb husband does.
I'm sick of staying at home because none of my clothes fit.
I'm sick of trying to go shopping and not finding anything that fits.
I'm sick of hiding my body from my husband cause I'm too ashamed of how I look.
I'm sick of celebrating with food, mourning with food, stress eating and binge eating.
I'm sick of looking at beautiful woman and wishing I had their figure.
I'm sick of stretchy clothes, I want to wear fitted pants and dresses.
I'm sick of being so big that light exercise is a huge chore
I'm sick of my spare tire. Make that 2 spare tires
I'm sick of being embarrassed to wear a bathing suit
I'm sick of being an unhealthy cow!
I'm sick of being me.

I'm ready to follow a diet
I'm ready to set goals for myself
I'm ready to portion control
I'm ready to say NO to food when I need to
I'm ready to jump on that scale every Sunday
I'm ready to eat more fruits and veggies
I'm ready to start exercising again
I'm ready to feel sexy again, alive and vibrant
I'm ready to wear a bathing suit and not have any bulge showing
I'm ready to wear sleeveless shirts
I'm ready to show off my soon to be awesome figure
I'm ready to get that spark back in my marriage
I'm ready to keep this weight off for life
I'm ready to inspire others in their weight loss journey
I'm ready to be the person God created me to be


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